You’ve found your way to One Sentence at a Time, a newsletter about writing, process, creativity and showing up. I’m so pleased you’re here!

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The basis of One Sentence at a Time is recommendations. Please send me yours! What are you texting all your friends to read / to listen to / to cook / to watch / to laugh about? What is supporting you to show up, to go at the pace your work requires, to find what you need to make what you want to make. I’d love to hear.

What’s this all about?

When I was writing my first novel, everyone seemed to want to know if I was finished yet, or if I’d found a publisher, or an agent. These are entirely logical questions, but they were never the ones I was asking. I wanted someone to help me understand: how can you be truthful on the page? How do you show up, day after day? What is supportive activity, and what is procrastination?

Most of the time, there is no real answer to any of this, but a friend will send a podcast right at the time you need it, or that perfect book shows up, or you have a chance encounter that makes you understand where you need to go next.

This newsletter is a celebration of all the things that have helped me – or you – go one sentence at a time.


Subscribe to One Sentence at a Time

A newsletter about writing, creative practice, and showing up.